About Eleana Papadopoulou - FAQs

Hello, how can I help?

You may be wondering about the sessions ediet offers or how the online route works?
You can find answers to your questions in the FAQs list below.


What services does ediet provide?

Specialist areas

Diabetes (Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational), including:

  • Carbohydrate counting
  • Insulin-dose adjustment

Weight management, such as:

  • Portion control
  • Calorie counting

Cardiovascular disease

  • High cholesterol/triglyceride levels
  • High blood pressure

Body image & developing healthy relationship with food

Consultancy & Industry

  • Dietary smartphone app development
  • Nutrition education programme development
  • Telehealth / e-health
  • New dietary product development and testing
  • Book & article contributions
  • Workplace nutrition education
  • Lecturing & teaching
  • Event participation

Other services include:

Recipe & menu analysis, supermarket visits, cooking lessons, as well as bespoke recipe development

What will we discuss during the free 20-minute consultation?

First of all, this will be a great opportunity for you to have your questions answered. We will also discuss how we can work together towards achieving your personal nutritional requirements. And finally, I will share with you my work philosophy.

How does it work via an online platform?

That’s easy. We will book our appointments at a time that works well for both of us. You will get an automatic reminder (via email or text message) the day before your appointment. Then, at the time of our appointment, I will give you a call. This will be via Skype, FaceTime, Viber, whichever platform works best for you. And the consultation will commence.

What is the duration of each session?

The 1st session can last up to 1.5 hours. It is the longest session, because it is the most important one. During that first session all the relevant information for the ediet nutrition programme will be gathered. The follow-up sessions can last up to 1 hour.

How will I measure and weigh myself if I decide to take the online ediet route?

I will send you a special tape measure via the post. Once you have received it, we will then book our first appointment. In this case, it will have to be via an online platform of your choice, with camera access. It is so I can show you and guide you all the way through how to take your own measurements. Then, you will weigh yourself using your own scales. It is advised that you use those same scales throughout our appointments to keep the most accurate weight measurements.

Can I attend ediet’s office for my measurements?

If you choose the face-to-face option for our appointments you will attend my office and I will take your measurements. If you choose the online ediet option you will also be able to attend my office at the designated ‘measurement’ time slots – I will take your measurements then. We will book your measurement slot time in advance, whichever option you choose.

What happens if I need to cancel a session?

If you need to cancel a session you have to notify me at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time. We can then transfer your appointment to another day and time. Should you fail to notify me, there might be a small charge fee. Please note this is to avoid last minute cancellations that might affect other clients and their needs.

Will you share any of my personal data?

Your personal data is handled with the strictest confidentiality. Should I need to share any information with your GP I will ask for your consent. Please read the Disclaimer here for more detailed information.

Can’t find what you’re looking for in the FAQs list?

Feel free to get in touch with me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.